28 September 2010


Bar, Soho, London 2010 ©eop

By world standards, the New York Times (NYT) is a rather timid paper, but it is the best daily printed source in the US for stories on major topics, ones that would be front page headlines and multi-column stories in good papers abroad. A couple of days ago the NYT had a very good article on water in Egypt, and today (Tuesday, 28 September 2010) it has a good article on water issues in the Southwestern US. "Water Use in Southwest Heads for a Day of Reckoning" by Felicity Baringer examines the problems of water supply in a region that had grown rapidly during a period of drought. The article makes clear an issue that has been widely discussed elsewhere, the likelihood of conflict over the waters of the Colorado River in the near future unless the drought of the past decade ends soon.